External connectivity

External connectivity issues


UIT Networking considers the issue resolved, and things have been stable for the last few days, so we’re closing this incident.

Supervisando solución

The issue has been identified and network flows have been moved to a newer infrastructure to circumvent the problematic equipment. We expect the issue to be resolved at the moment, but we will continue to monitor things very closely and update this issue if necessary.


Networking is still investigating the issue. A UIT Service Alert has been issued, and progress can be tracked there: https://stanford.service-now.com/services?id=service_status&service=d4d7c11a1374e20063eadf82e144b078


Stanford Networking is currently investigating a loss of connectivity to external systems that may be affecting some parts of the Sherlock cluster. Internal connectivity (communication between compute nodes) is fine, but some compute nodes may have lost access to external networks and systems such as license servers, external web sites (Git repositories, cloud storage instances, etc).